速報APP / 房屋與房產 / Smart Home

Smart Home





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Rupayan Shelford (14th Floor), 23/6, Mirpur Road, Shyamoli, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.

Smart Home(圖1)-速報App

Our app connects all wireless sensors that is controllable at the tip of your fingers. This

application can also notify users through app notification and app alarm.

Smart Home(圖2)-速報App

Features of this app include:

1. Sensor’s current status.

Smart Home(圖3)-速報App

2. ON/OFF control for sensors.

3. Sensor’s battery status.

Smart Home(圖4)-速報App

4. Getting immediate alarm for Smoke detection.

5. Getting immediate alarm for Water Leak detection.

Smart Home(圖5)-速報App

6. Getting immediate alarm for Gas Leak detection.

7. Getting immediate alarm for Motion detection.

Smart Home(圖6)-速報App

8. Checking Sensor’s Event History based on date and time.

9. Checking ON/OFF History based on time and date.

Smart Home(圖7)-速報App

10. Sharing Smart Home devices with family members or any other users.

N.B. To use the app, users must buy the SMART HOME devices for implementing our home

security system.